Breathe. I am so busy! What in the wide world happened?! I don't know where all this busyness came from. Just seems as though a lot of things are going on right now. To top it off, Bridger is in the height of being two, and terrible. haha.
I have been so behind on work from everyone being out over the holidays and me covering their desk and I am still behind on everything of my own, trying to catch up. Then we got a new phone system, training, new system in general, training, then training another girl to do what I do - as that is some of the new changes. I have been busy at home cleaning and trying to get things in order and ready for my sisters arrival. Which was today! She will be here a week! I took off a couple of days while she is here to spend time with her and my 5 year old nephew. equals more things to be behind on. Also planning another friends and I's birthday bash in Lake Charles in which we are going next weekend and Bridger will be staying with Memaw. More time off work. Then the last week of the month I will be out another 2 days for ACSR class for work. More time off = more work. I am also waking up at 4am every morning doing Insanity so that makes for a very early bedtime, on top of the other daily routines. Whew! Tired of reading yet? I am thankful for everything going on, but I am also ready for a slow down. =) I have barely even checked my email or blogged about my sweet little guy. I am enjoying every moment, So I know this will get better! Just busy times! Good things. I will soak up all the stuff now and try not to complain or sound not thankful.
Besides all the other crazy busy stuff going on, things are going....Bridger is having lots of terrible two days, but cracks me up nonstop. He is so sweet. I can't believe my sweet boy will be 3 almost 4 months! He still has no interest in potty training. I Guess I am good with that for now. I don't want to rush him. He loves to sing, dance, color and organize. He is kind of OCD like his mama! Its so funny!
I am still trying to keep up on my blog reading, but only one a week or so. We are still attending Bay Area Fellowship church and loving it. Bridger loves his new class and he gets to do arts and crafts! This past weekend it was about the direction of God. What is our purpose that God already prewired us with, figuring it out and how. I guess I have a lot of figuring to do. Ryan left, knowing what his purpose was. What his desires are and always have been. I couldn't think of mine. How weird. It was a great service, but definitely left me thinking. I know what I do now isn't what my purpose is, but I am also almost 30! When the heck will I figure it out. Obviously I am not listening to the word of God enough. Lots to think about and figure out! Love services like that though.
Here is my stinker over the past 2 weeks. Also, my space bar isn't working on side of the keyboard.....hmmm... it is seriously annoying. I hope this isn't a sign for a new laptop. Every 2 years...really? But it is really annoying.
He thinks I'm spiderman! |
My sleeping prince |
B was sick...he said all of his friends are sick too! |
View from my parking garage at work one morning |
Beginning of a "heart tree" i made for my mom. Turned out so cute! |
OCD?! |
Smiles so big for the song Tornado! |
Made the grey and white canvas. Ordered the monogram from Etsy |
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