Bridger has been cracking me up lately! He was sooo good for a couple of weeks and then he went back to being crazy and moody and hard to handle at times.
He can be so funny at times. He gets spankings every now and then, but nothing major. The other day Bridger was going thru one of his phases and was trying to bite Ryan and I. That is simply unacceptable! We are trying hard to break that especially because we do not want him doing that at daycare. I told him he is keeps it up i was going to spank him, he takes his hand and hits the side of his leg (where I usually give him a little spanking) REALLY? He is so bad sometimes! We were trying so hard not to die laughing...but it was so funny! He just decided that he would go ahead and get the spanking over with!
Whenever I change him or dress him and his little tummy is exposed, I use the tip of my nails on his tummy I tickle him so lightly and say "tickle tickle" and he laughs and laughs. He loves it. I do it all the time and I guess he has picked up on that also and the other morning he just went ahead and did the "tickle tickle" himself! haha! Even the way he said tickle tickle was adorable!!
He hasn't been feeling the best and is a little bit more clingy, which is so NOT Bridger....and he goes thru phases and will grab me as tight as he can and hug and say...'awwww'. I get numerous kissses......tons of is the sweetest thing! I LOVE LOVE it. I hate that he doesn't feel well, but I love how sweet he is.
He officially grabs our hands and takes us everywhere when he wants something. He just shows us! Hey - that's a great way to communicate when you can't talk! I'm glad he is so smart to understand to do this!
We recently just took Bridger off of the bottles. Doc said is going well. I am still putting him to bed with the milk sippy cup, but in due time I will begin to take it away before bed. It is still his comfort and i think it is going to take some time. I'm so glad that he transitioned so well. Obviously I have waited to long...he is going to be 18months next week! oops!! Oh well - in all due time!
Another cute thing Bridger does is when he pull up to the house and Ryan is already home, or he pulls up right after soon as bridger sees his truck he says "da da". ha, how cute that he knows his daddys truck. The things these kids know...some of them just surprise the heck out of me!
His current obsession is doors! he loves to slam them shut. Scares the heck outta me....I do not want him smashing his fingers....we definitely try to keep them all closed if we can. I am so afraid he will end up locking me out or something! That would not be good! I don't think he is too far from learning how to open them either!! eeek!!
I know there are so many more adorable things that my little one is doing that I would like to remember, but maybe I will just have to come back when I remember and write it.
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