

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

18 month check up

Bridger had his 18 month well check today and he did good. Daddy just happened to be able to go with us and it was a nice change. We didn't have to wait too long and were in and out pretty quick.
Bridger weighs 24.4 lbs and is 32 inches tall! He did ok with his shots. I felt so bad when he started screaming but he quickly stopped when I snuggled him up. He got part dosage of his flu shot today and will have to go back in 30 days to get the other 1/2. The doctor also said that Bridger has allergies. At least we know that now and we went and got some meds to help him.

I can't believe that I have a 1.5 year old!! Before I know it he will be 2. I'm happy he is growing up but I am also so sad that I dont have a baby anymore.....

Bridger is now officially broken of the bottles. He is saying many many words. Tonight he said "purple" it was so cute! He likes to sit down and read me his books. Every time he sees Ryans truck he says "dada". Tonight he did something he wasn't suppose to and I told him "bad boy" and he stuck his little pointer finger and shook it back and forth saying bad boy! haha....he cracked me up!  
We have to really watch what we say now, he loves to repeat us! I am loving this new stage. I love him. He is simply amazing.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Mommy and Bridg time

Daddy left to go on his annual hunting trip down to the landcut Friday morning so it was just Bridger and I all weekend! We didn't do too many exciting things and relaxed for once...well kind of. We shopped a little and ran some errands each day just to get out of the house.

I took down all of my fall stuff and put my Christmas decorations up. It literally took me all weekend! And when Bridger was up it was even harder to decorate the tree, or organize or clean.....
I also had to do my regular house cleaning along with painting the spare my "relaxing" weekend really wasn't that at all.
I am worn out! I don't know why I am so worn out. My body head hurts and I am just out of energy. I bet I'm getting sick.
Aside from all of that going on Bridger isn't feeling 100% either and he was full on stinker mode this weekend! It definitely tested my patience and sanity! =) He would be good for a little awhile, but he just couldn't help himself and wouldn't listen, or stay out of anything! I still had a blast with him and am so thankful to spend the time with him and would have it no other way...but momma is for sure worn out!!

I also wrapped almost every present that I had. Bridger was ok during this process...but he definitely loved trying to the take the bows off of the was interesting...but we managed and we completed the wrapping! So happy to be that much closer to completing my Christmas list!

Even though Bridger wasn't feeling 100% this weekend he still manged to crack me up and have a great personality about things. He is such a little jokster himself and I find him a little funny. =) I can't believe how grown he gets each day. This weekend was the first time that I could actually tell him to do something...and he would do it and know what I was saying....ok...acted like he knew what I was saying...Im sure he has known for a long time. A simple, please put that back, or hand it to mommy, please sit down, go find your water....look out at the window for daddy...he did them all. Every time he wanted something he just came and got me and showed me! I loved it.
 And since he didn't feel good he was super loving! I got lots of hugs and kisses....It was amazing. He can be such a lover....such a sweetheart. I hate that he doesn't feel good...but I love that I get so many hugs and kisses and 'awwwws'
He was SOO very excited when daddy came home today. He wouldn't leave his side and was attached to him the rest of the day! It is so cute how much he adores his daddy. I know Ryan loves all the attention too!


I get good use out of the chair and stool grandma bought me.....

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for so many things! I am especially thankful for my sweet darling baby boy! He is the light of my life. He is amazing in every way possible. Even when he is being so difficult and bad...I would never change it for the world. He is my world. We are SO SO blessed with this life and our son.

I am thankful for my husband as well! He is an amazing daddy and I think it is perfect! He does so much for Bridger and I and works his tail off! We have grown so much as a couple (in the 8 years we've been together) and as parents. I am so lucky to have him not only as my hubby but as my best friend as well!

I am thankful for our family and friends, our jobs and our house. Our health and so so much more. We are so blessed and I truly am so thankful!

We spend Thanksgiving this year at Ryans aunts. It was the most low key Thanksgiving we have ever had. It was a nice change though. We got a late start because Bridger was napping, but once he got up we left and went and hung out for a while and ate. Bridger is just so non stop after awhile we were both ready to wears you out chasing him and saying no over and over again.  We spent the rest of the afternoon at home and Ryan and Bridger didn't feel that good and took it easy. I started getting my Christmas stuff out and planned out what I needed during my mom and I's black friday shopping.

About 945 that night my mom and I headed out to do our black friday shopping. I love how it starts thursday night...although I may not love it if I had to wait to go to stores that don't open till 5. We went to Walmart, Macys and Kohls. I didn't buy a ton, but I did get some stuff I wanted and for a great deal! Worth it to me! I did buy Ryan and I an early Christmas sheets! They are so nice and $150 off! amazing deal! I may start going every year but there are some stores that I refuse to go to! I will never hit up Best Buy....or Toys R Us on a black friday....too crazy. It was nice, but momma was tired the next morning when Bridger decided to wake up at 6:30!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Its beginning to look like Christmas

Mommies little helper.....or kind of. =) Poor love doesn't feel well.

Smart Boy!

Bridger has been cracking me up lately! He was sooo good for a couple of weeks and then he went back to being crazy and moody and hard to handle at times.

He can be so funny at times. He gets spankings every now and then, but nothing major. The other day Bridger was going thru one of his phases and was trying to bite Ryan and I. That is simply unacceptable! We are trying hard to break that especially because we do not want him doing that at daycare. I told him he is keeps it up i was going to spank him, he takes his hand and hits the side of his leg (where I usually give him a little spanking) REALLY? He is so bad sometimes! We were trying so hard not to die laughing...but it was so funny! He just decided that he would go ahead and get the spanking over with!

Whenever I change him or dress him and his little tummy is exposed, I use the tip of my nails on his tummy I tickle him so lightly and say "tickle tickle" and he laughs and laughs. He loves it. I do it all the time and I guess he has picked up on that also and the other morning he just went ahead and did the "tickle tickle" himself! haha! Even the way he said tickle tickle was adorable!!

He hasn't been feeling the best and is a little bit more clingy, which is so NOT Bridger....and he goes thru phases and will grab me as tight as he can and hug and say...'awwww'. I get numerous kissses......tons of is the sweetest thing! I LOVE LOVE it. I hate that he doesn't feel well, but I love how sweet he is.

He officially grabs our hands and takes us everywhere when he wants something. He just shows us! Hey - that's a great way to communicate when you can't talk! I'm glad he is so smart to understand to do this!

We recently just took Bridger off of the bottles. Doc said is going well. I am still putting him to bed with the milk sippy cup, but in due time I will begin to take it away before bed. It is still his comfort and i think it is going to take some time. I'm so glad that he transitioned so well. Obviously I have waited to long...he is going to be 18months next week! oops!! Oh well - in all due time!

Another cute thing Bridger does is when he pull up to the house and Ryan is already home, or he pulls up right after soon as bridger sees his truck he says "da da". ha, how cute that he knows his daddys truck. The things these kids know...some of them just surprise the heck out of me!

His current obsession is doors! he loves to slam them shut. Scares the heck outta me....I do not want him smashing his fingers....we definitely try to keep them all closed if we can. I am so afraid he will end up locking me out or something! That would not be good! I don't think he is too far from learning how to open them either!! eeek!!

I know there are so many more adorable things that my little one is doing that I would like to remember, but maybe I will just have to come back when I remember and write it.


Tuesday I had a follow up appt for Bridger's tubes. It was also our introductory appointment with our new ENT doctor. Ryan was off and able to go with me which I was very thankful for. It is always great to have help, especially on his extra tough days. We spent the waiting time in the hall area running back and forth....having 2 people really helped!

We actually were in and out very quickly and I loved our doctor!! Im happy that we got lucky and got one that I liked right off the bat.

Surprisingly Bridger has already lost the tube in his left ear! I didn't even know or see it....I don't know what it looks like, but I know so many that say they have seen them. I didn't see Bridgers come out and the Doctor says that his ear look great! Hopefully it stays that way and we will not be needing  second set. His right ear still has the tubes, but we go check up again in February. We shall see!

Little boy is starting to look sick. =(

Get Togethers

Last weekend we decided to have a get together at our house. I wasn't sure what to expect or who to expect to show up. We bought tons of food...actually too much and spend too much also. We had fun doing it though and will get the hang of how many to expect eventually. Half of who we invited showed up and it was a blast.

Luckily my friend Karie came over early and helped me prepare everything and we worked our little tails off! Our little ones played as we was choas for a little while, but it was great. Landon went to the babysitters and I took Bridger over to my moms. He got horrible diaper rash in the latter part of the day from too much fruit! =( It was horrible. I felt so bad and he was so hard to handle. My mom said she handled it and got him to bed and only woke up once during the night. This is the first time he has slept somewhere else overnight without us.....well with us being here in town. (Antigua is April is the other time). It was weird...but it wasn't as bad because he was only across the street! I just woke up the next morning and went and got him!!

I hope that everyone had a great time. Us girls of course spent lots of time taking tons of picture. Overall, I think we took around 150. seriously!? Who does that?! We made jello shots and all were gone half way thru the night, I'm glad they all like them. Us girls played games and talked and laughed and the guys played poker and we stayed up WAY too late! 4am is something I rarely do!

I had a lot clean up the next day that consisted of mopping my floor twice! wow!
Good times and we look forward to doing it again!

Playtime with Mommy

Bridger loves for us to sit on the floor and play with him....or watch him play. It is so cute to see how excited he gets when we share those time with him. Even today at my moms he pulled out some of his toys she has stashed in the living room and went and pulled her hand to come and sit with him on the floor....because she always does when they play with those particular toys. He cracks me up!

Bridger has done much better at daycare lately. He still of course has his tantrums. He seems more controlled and not "as" dramatic. Also, he uses his words a lot more now and I'm sure that helps him with his frustrations. He is almost 18 months and will be moving to a new class. I'm unsure of when it will actually happen, but I am excited. He is always kind of worn out from his class towards the end of the span....he's ready for the "older" things going on in the other rooms.

Anyway -  I love playing with this little boy! He is so much fun and I especially love when he gets a kick out of himself. He giggles and covers his is so cute. His attention span is still short so we go thru many many toys during our play time....seems that his balls are still his favorite! He likes to still my moms cats balls when he goes over. good thing Ebony doesn't play with them! =)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Family Pictures 2011

I have received our family pictures and finally got our Christmas cards ordered. (see previous post). I am excited that we finally had some pictures made and I'm going to try hard to set us up for a yearly photo shoot!

Here are a few...I can't post them all, too many. But here are some of my favorites.

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