I haven't been feeling well since last Monday - a week and a half ago! It started out with nausea with some vomiting, then light headiness, followed with headaches. Then one morning I woke up and my actual eye sockets hurt! Not with a headache, just the eye socket behind the eye. I could barely open them all day. I was miserable. The following morning I woke up with feeling like I had a "crook" in my neck/shoulder. It hurt more when I would bend down to do something, get Bridger, etc. It was very very painful. Ive been dealing with that for now 6 days. I couldn't get comfortable sleeping at night and had this constant pain in my chest. Sharp...never goes away. Hurts to laugh, yawn, cough, even when I walk. Shortness of breath and just plain tired!
Called the Dr yesterday morning. Lesson learned - do not tell them you are having chest pains. They refused to see me...and told me to go the ER. I thought that was ridiculous! After arriving at work and talking with my co-workers I decided I better go because I wouldn't want something to be terribly wrong, I do have Bridger to worry about now and I wouldn't ever want anything to happen where I couldn't take care of him.
To the ER I went...I went to a difference hospital then where I had the baby at. I liked it SO much more! It was amazing. I was in and out in 3 hours! They did a EKG to be sure, and some xrays. Turns out I have Pleurisy. I never knew how common it was until I started telling people that was what my mystery problem was. They said that my infection was viral so there isn't any anti's they can give me, probably from the sickness I had earlier in the week...the nausea, vomiting...some sort of stomach bug. He prescribed me some anti-inflammation pills to help. I just basically need to wait for it to run its course.
I was trying not to complain, but I knew something was wrong with me. I felt relieved when I heard from others that have had it that it was indeed horrible pain they felt. It definitely isn't fun. I haven't been able to work out in 2 weeks now! Which is huge for me. I can't wait to fight this and I hope that I never get it again! Its miserable! I'm ready to get back on our schedule and not feel like I'm running out of breath carrying my son!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
My Love
He is just so precious! Such a happy little boy!
Bridger and Daddy played outside and checked out the boat. I'm sure Bridger was telling him to get the boat running already!! =)
Wagon Rides.....pure happiness.
What is going on over there? |
So focused!!! |
Hi love!!! |
What a doll!!! |
I LOVE his laughs! |
Perfect |
Learning how to use a fishing reel. =) |
Daddys future fishing buddy! |
Monday, June 27, 2011
1 year old
We got Bridger's 1 year pictures in last week and he is such a ham! He wasn't the best at taking them that morning a few weeks ago ....but we managed to get 2 OK ones. I remember back when he was 3 months old- that was by far the easiest photo session ever!! =) Or better yet - his newborn photos were the easiest, he just slept the whole time! Now - to just get a family picture done! I really don't know why I haven't scheduled that yet or had one done. Which is totally not like me.
I like how sweet this one looks. I painted the letters and brought the sailboat from his room. He kept wanting to pick it up and play with it! ha
Because he didn't want to sit still for one second, we had to somehow come up with an idea to keep him from moving so much!!!
And this one really really cracks me up!! It looks as if he is in trouble in the corner! He makes me laugh. I don't even know how we got this picture. I'm sure he was probably smiling and stopped the instant the photographer snapped the shot! awww, I love my boy!
Also - I got his school pictures in. They didn't come out as good as I had hoped. The poor baby is clearly tired, his hair looks a hot mess....but he still managed to smile! although it looks as if he could fall asleep right after!! ha. Too cute!
Friday, June 24, 2011
A week or so ago I talked about making a clay print of Bridgers hand. Well it didn't come out as good as I was hoping. I was rushing and should have taken a longer time getting it to look right. However, I didn't and this is what I came up with. At least we can still see it and I will have this forever to look at his adorable hand whenever I want!!!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
New shoes and Food!
Bridger is growing so quickly and he is now out growing both pairs of his sandals that he wears daily(and they are getting pretty worn)! I went by a local store to check out some shoes and about died when I found out that they were $42! For baby shoes? Really? He only is going to wear them for the rest of the season. I wouldn't care as much if he were able to wear them a little longer, but for a few months? So I started Internet searching of course...and I found the exact pair online for $30 with free shipping! Jackpot! I love seeking out deals like this and feeling so wonderful with the purchase. I know a savings of $12+ tax doesn't seem like a lot, but maybe its is more of a mental thing?? Felt great to me!
I finally got his new shoes in and LOVE them! And he has plenty of room to grow! Our little one has some fat feet so we will always have to purchase wide fit shoes and what a difference it makes!! He needs to break these new ones in a little bit, but I'm sure it won't take too long with this non stop walker! He is so cute!!!
I finally got his new shoes in and LOVE them! And he has plenty of room to grow! Our little one has some fat feet so we will always have to purchase wide fit shoes and what a difference it makes!! He needs to break these new ones in a little bit, but I'm sure it won't take too long with this non stop walker! He is so cute!!!
So this past weekend we found out that Bridger really loves cut green beans! Just recenlty he ate 1/2 a can of green beans! I love that he likes them so much and hopes he continues his good eating for me and doesn't turn like his daddy to meat and cheeses only. hehe. Tonight I gave him watermelon for the first time, and he LOVES it! Just like his momma. I couldn't get the pieces cut up quickly enough for him. Looks like I can't hog all of my watermelon anymore, guess I might have to share. =)
Bridger now likes to feed himself! It is a challenging ordeal. Finally I just gave in......Mac and Cheese....it was everywhere!!!(this is just the beginning of the feeding himself process)
I have even had to take out the cut up carrots, meat and peas of another dinner meal for him to eat it! It is much better than him not eating at all! But I think it is so silly! He definitely wants to do it all on his own, which we do not mind. Our little one has a mind of his own and we love how he expresses it! Glad I have such a good eater on my hands! He never stops eating!!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Corpus Weekend
While the guys were down at the cabin, I stayed in Corpus and spent time with my mom and my nephew, Cairo that was in town from Utah. We didn't do too many exciting things as they already had planned to go camping Monday and needed to prepare for that. It was fun to just hang out and visit with my nephew and Bridger to play with his cousin.
Bridger hasn't been feeling well and wasn't in the best of moods this weekend, so it was challenging. We headed to Port A to get Ryan a visor for Fathers Day(they only sell in Port A) and Bridger cried for at least 15-20 mins straight during the car ride! It was horrible! He is normally just a good little traveler that it was very overwhelming for both he and I.
We went and visited Grandpa Ron as well but had to cut our visit short because Bridger was so tired, he was whiny, cranky and falling all over the tile floor because he couldn't keep his balance. Nap time was way over due!
We took Bridger on wagon walks at night and he loved it! He could sit in his wagon for hours! He would see other boys playing outside and would stare at them for as long as he could, then start waving to them. It was so cute!! One night we went to Applebees for dinner and he was so wonderful! It was late and I was shocked that he did so good. Although he ate the entire time!! This little boy is such a good eater! Thank goodness! (knock on wood!).
We headed home late Sunday morning, but I am happy that I at least got to see my nephew! It is always so long in between visits with my sister and her family that this was a treat!! I hope he has a great rest of the week with Grandma! Wish I would've gotten more pictures.
Bridger hasn't been feeling well and wasn't in the best of moods this weekend, so it was challenging. We headed to Port A to get Ryan a visor for Fathers Day(they only sell in Port A) and Bridger cried for at least 15-20 mins straight during the car ride! It was horrible! He is normally just a good little traveler that it was very overwhelming for both he and I.
We went and visited Grandpa Ron as well but had to cut our visit short because Bridger was so tired, he was whiny, cranky and falling all over the tile floor because he couldn't keep his balance. Nap time was way over due!
We took Bridger on wagon walks at night and he loved it! He could sit in his wagon for hours! He would see other boys playing outside and would stare at them for as long as he could, then start waving to them. It was so cute!! One night we went to Applebees for dinner and he was so wonderful! It was late and I was shocked that he did so good. Although he ate the entire time!! This little boy is such a good eater! Thank goodness! (knock on wood!).
We headed home late Sunday morning, but I am happy that I at least got to see my nephew! It is always so long in between visits with my sister and her family that this was a treat!! I hope he has a great rest of the week with Grandma! Wish I would've gotten more pictures.
Here is Bridger eating some lunch, waiting for Grandpa Harris to arrive to meet him!
Wagon rides! He is in love!
Port A - Trout Street Bar and Grill
Cairo is a cool dude!
Walking along the Marina
Being Naughty at Grandpa Rons. Trying to eat the mail. Realizing it doesn't taste so good
Very first bubble bath! Grandma had bubbles!
Walking with Memaw, more like Memaw chasing Bridger around the yard. He is such a handful and Memaw is so good with him.
Time with cousin Cairo. It was fun seeing you cousin, and I will miss you!
On our way home!! Bridger does so well now! He hardly sleeps, dang it! ha. but he is usually a good boy and stays in a pretty good mood. Lately we have been turning on the dvd and playing some of his movies for him. Some he watches more than others...but at least it is a little bit distraction for him from the 5 hour car ride to and from Corpus.
1st Annual JTS weekend
Ryan's grandpa called him a month or so ago and wanted to plan a trip down to the cabin. Since he is getting older it is harder for him and his cousin Sid to go down the cabin, and definitely not alone. Ryan started planning for the trip and started inviting other guys. It then turned into a trip with the cousins as well. They decided to declare it their first JTS fishing tournament. (JTS is the initials of their(All the cousins) fathers that have passed, James, Tom and Steve). Although it was too windy to fish - I know they all had a great time together and are definitely looking forward to the 2nd annual trip next fathers day weekend.
We definitely do not need to see ALL the pictures of how the weekend went.....but here are some. From the looks of all of their photos, they had a fantastic time!
We definitely do not need to see ALL the pictures of how the weekend went.....but here are some. From the looks of all of their photos, they had a fantastic time!
Loading up the boats - Bridger was hanging out
Sweet Bridger wanted to go - he loved the boat!
Helping Sid onto the boat. Ryan and his Brother, Corey
Grandpa Harris
My Hubby
Ready to head out
Bye guys, have a great weekend!
A couple photos from their trip
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Happy Fathers Day
This year for Fathers Day, Ryan and the guys went down to the cabin for their 1st annual JTS fishing tournament. (Although too windy to fish).
The guys got back early Sunday morning and I had got a cookie cake made that said Happy Fathers day with a fish on it....or....it looked like a duck, or maybe a platypus...? ha...but the guys enjoyed it and had something sweet to snack on.
We obviously got in some pictures, this was the first time that Bridger has met his Great Grandpa Harris. He looks unhappy because we interrupted his play with the jet ski. silly boy.
It was a nice Fathers Day!
The guys got back early Sunday morning and I had got a cookie cake made that said Happy Fathers day with a fish on it....or....it looked like a duck, or maybe a platypus...? ha...but the guys enjoyed it and had something sweet to snack on.
We obviously got in some pictures, this was the first time that Bridger has met his Great Grandpa Harris. He looks unhappy because we interrupted his play with the jet ski. silly boy.
Daddy, Bridger and Grandpa Harris
The boys with their Grandpa...and Bridger
Here are the Harris guys! Grandpa Harris with his Grandsons and Great Grandsons
It was a nice Fathers Day!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
No more crying
This morning was the first time that I dropped Bridger off at daycare and he didn't cry! Yay! I am hoping this wasn't just a one time thing and he goes back to crying tomorrow. It is so sad to leaving your crying child. I think he is finally getting used to his new class.
As I picked him up the other day I had to go find him in the gym and all these little girls were yelling, "Bridgers" not Bridger, but Bridgers with a "s". It was cute. I followed around to where they were yelling and he was down the hall back at the Infant II room! I guess he missed his old buddies or teacher. He is such a big boy now, he wants to walk and hold my hand all the way to the car! Of course once we get there - he screams! He is only getting 1 nap a day now at daycare and that 100% attributes to this crazy screaming fit daily. I hope he doesn't adjust to that 1 nap a day at home on the weekends. He is so much happier with his sleep!
Every night I have been taking Bridger for wagon rides. He loves, loves this! He sits back and completely relaxes and looks at everything, taking it all in! As long as you are moving and pulling him somewhere he is calm and will sit still! We always have to make sure to put the wagon up because if he sees it at another time when we don't have time to do wagon rides, he freaks out and throws a little fit,full on falling to the floor. He'd be content playing with that wagon for hours!
And ~ Here are some old pictures, just because I hate posts without pictures. =)
As I picked him up the other day I had to go find him in the gym and all these little girls were yelling, "Bridgers" not Bridger, but Bridgers with a "s". It was cute. I followed around to where they were yelling and he was down the hall back at the Infant II room! I guess he missed his old buddies or teacher. He is such a big boy now, he wants to walk and hold my hand all the way to the car! Of course once we get there - he screams! He is only getting 1 nap a day now at daycare and that 100% attributes to this crazy screaming fit daily. I hope he doesn't adjust to that 1 nap a day at home on the weekends. He is so much happier with his sleep!
Every night I have been taking Bridger for wagon rides. He loves, loves this! He sits back and completely relaxes and looks at everything, taking it all in! As long as you are moving and pulling him somewhere he is calm and will sit still! We always have to make sure to put the wagon up because if he sees it at another time when we don't have time to do wagon rides, he freaks out and throws a little fit,full on falling to the floor. He'd be content playing with that wagon for hours!
And ~ Here are some old pictures, just because I hate posts without pictures. =)
A&M Fan
Such a cutie!
And ~ He still looks like this when he cries! haha. so precious!
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