We were so excited to celebrate this Christmas holiday with our sweet Bridger. Even though he is still little and doesn't really understand what christmas is about or even be able to open his presents on his own, we were still so excited to get to spend this special holiday with our precious son. For us, Christmas sort of stretched out over a week. We went down to Corpus the weekend before to celebrate with my aunt and uncle who had come all the way from Oregon. We enjoyed spending time with family and Bridger got to open his very fist gift.

Toy cars! He loves putting them in his mouth. Thanks Aunt Patty and Uncle Jeff! We then were able to celebrate with Grandpa Ron one day, then our annual Christmas eve opening, just one gift, any gift! We were busy between my moms house and Ryans moms house, but Bridger did great and was a trooper. Christmas morning went a little different than what I had expected! Bridger was scared of the rocking horse that Santa left him and 15 mins into it he was crying and fussing and it was already time for a nap. We can thank that to his early morning rise of 6am! Basically Bridger slept thru Christmas and I had to open all of his gifts, but what can you expect from a 7 month old! =) We had a wonderful Christmas and Bridger was blessed with so many gifts! We are so thankful for our amazing families. Here are some more pictures of our christmas.
Bridger still scared of the Rocking horse |
Christmas Eve opening-Thinking he can handle this |
Enjoying his new Johnny Jump up!
Family Picture 2010
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