
Monday, November 21, 2016
Annual pumpkin patch with friends
Last year we got all the babies together at the pumpkin patch. (We all worked together with exception of one)'and all our babies are months apart. It went great and maybe a little crying from beck and one other. This year was interesting. We have more babies this year and our older ones didn't wanna corporate lol. It was fun. We missed having one friend with us, but still had a great time getting the babies together.
halloween 2016
This year I wanted to make the boys matching costumes. However Bridger didn't like my idea and said it wasn't cool, but eventually agreed. I got to work and started making their costumes. Nothing hard, super easy and quick. When it came to costume day at school, Bridger refused to wear his costume and said he hated it and was the only one not dressed up for Halloween.
Beckett had a little costume parade at Mother's Day out and he looked SOOO adorable. Everytime I would look at him, I would just laugh. It was seriously the cutest thing ever. And I had to get little girl leggings in order to complete the look! Haha
Here Beckett is trying his costume on, and then at school during his parade.
I though for sure he wouldn't keep that hat on. I made a big deal and told him how cute he was, and he kept it on during the entire parade!
When Halloween rolled around I had a couple of friends coming over with their kiddos and we were all going to go trick or treating together. Both my boys were passed out when they got there and it was a nightmare trying to get Bridger just to wake up. He threw the biggest fit and refused to wear his costume. I finally talked him into it for just a picture and then let him change to an old costume after. Aren't the just the cutest?!?
All the kiddos did great trick or treating and beck rode in the wagon the whole time. Getting out each time to go get some candy. We had a great Halloween!! I definitely put all
That candy up and Beckett even forgot it existed! Lol
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Friday, August 26, 2016
I blinked and now my baby is now 18months. It just went so fast. Too fast. I hate it. I hate how fast these sweet little babes grow. Beckett is doing great and still sweet as ever.
We went to the Doctor today for his shots and check up. He hates the doctor so much. But really hated the nurse jabbing him in the thighs with shots. He kept grabbing my neck and hugging it, then pushing me away. He probably wanted my comfort but was like wait, your letting her do this to me- go away! Haha today was the most he's ever cried with shots. And he has been off all day since. Poor kid.
He weighed 26.2 lbs and I forgot his height. Oops. He is right on track.
Beckett still is in size 5 diaper. 12-18 and some 18-24 month clothing. He wears size 6 shoe and likes to throw his own clothes in the hamper when we get him undressed. He knows where is eye, nose, belly and mouth are. He's so stubborn so this is good! Haha! He says a lot of words I can't remember- he is always calling his brother. He says ok, hi, bye, water, go, thank you, baby, ball, blanket, baba, milk, love you, night night, puppy, bite.....that's all I can think of off hand. He still only knows what a duck says (quack quack) I've been letting him climb up and down the stairs himself to get used to it and he's doing great!
I tell Beckett to do something and he for the most part, listens. ❤️ just the other days he decided on his own to put his shoes on Bridgers shoe rack. (I don't keep becks there but he knew that was the rule) so adorable!
He is better about stranger danger and smiles at more people now. He absolutely adores everyone in his family. He is the most loving little boy. He is 100% a mamas boy. He strokes my hair, and my face and gives me kisses all on his own. He hugs my legs whenever I'm cooking or doing dishes, he acknowledges I'm there and that he loves me. Lately he just sits with me on the couch and hangs out. On my lap usually or right next to me where he's touching me. He holds my hand a lot while doing that. He holds my hand a lot in general. While shopping he hugs me from the seat of the shopping cart. He tries to communicate so much but obviously can't yet so he kind of grunts or whines a lot more. But learning new words he will repeat after us each time.
He loves to spend some time with Ryan as soon as he gets home. He wants to be held, and hugged by daddy. He needs his love. He follows Bridger everywhere. He climbs all over him, on him, or he will just sit there next to Bridger watching what he's doing while his little hand is on his lap the entire time.
I tried to teach him how to ride a tricycle the other day but he would rather me just push him. He loves being outside and getting into anything out there to see what it's about. He loves playing with balls and actually kicks and throws them pretty good. He copies every single we do. Sometime too much! Haha! But literally sounds, actions, etc. makes me laugh all the time. He has major dancing vibes running thru his veins. The kid LOVES to dance and dances at any music he hears. Sometimes even nodding his head to the beat. He picks up when I ask, he helps me all the time. A lot of time with things I'm not even asking him to help with.
It amazes me how opposite he and Bridger are. Obviously no 2 people are the same but they are SO opposite. Bridger was definitely a tougher baby and toddler and I learned a lot from him, and I often catch myself being so surprised and so shocked at how Beckett reacts to things and acts in certain moments. Bridger definitely is a bit tougher- no nonsense, doesn't have time
For a lot of stuff, and gets annoyed so easily. Beckett wears his heart on his sleeve and sincerely cares about how others feel around him. I always say he is a sweet soul. I think they are a perfect mixture and will be able to help eachother out in the areas they aren't as familiar in. They are best friends already. I hope they always love eachother this much. I am so thankful for my boys and that Beckett is the one who completed our family. He is so perfect and I could just stare at him all day. He starts Mother's Day out in over a week and it makes me so sad. I like being with him. It's easy. He's easy. He's so sweet. He's a breath of fresh air.
I will blink again and he will be 2. By then I might have some terrible twos going on. I'm going to sit back and soak in all
Of this still kinda baby-ness of my last babe. And especially all the affection and love I get from him all day. I wouldn't have it any other way!
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Sick baby
Every single time country peddler comes into town, my mom and I go. It's probably 4 times a year. Bridger is always in school and I take Beckett.
Last week Beckett was just not having it. He was so whiny and clingy and nothing was making him happy. Usually good makes him happy but that wasn't even working. It was so odd for him.
I have my very own little ninja. He's pretty cute. And he's very good in his class. He can't actually "fight" for a year. But he is loving learning all his techniques. I'm
Glad he is enjoying himself and will slowly start earning his belts.
First haircut
I had to get Bridgers hair cut before school started, and beck has never had a haircut. The lady cutting Bridgers hair was so fast and so nice and offered to take a jab at becketts. I just knew it wouldn't go good. I still remember everything about Bridgers first haircut because it was so bad.
Beckett wouldn't sit alone, but sat in my lap- and had his very first lollipop with his very first haircut and did awesome! I don't know why i second guess this kid sometimes. He's so good. And handsome. Bridger was looking so cute with his haircut also!! Winning!
First day of school 2016
This week Bridger went back to school. He is repeating kindergarten and I was upset at first but I feel more at peace with our decision. So far this week he is doing so well and was even star student of the day! I'm so proud of him and the maturity he has already shown this year.
Ski canals with the Starnes
Always one of our favorite things to do! Go out to the ski canals with friends! Beck stayed back with memaw this day and we went and relaxed and let the kids play and had some fun! Even on a jet ski! Such a great day!
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