Here is Bridger eating his fries with ketchup which I posted in a couple back!! He's so cute!! He LOVES LOVES it! Big boy!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Sleeping baby
Tonight after I put Bridger down, I ran to the grocery store by myself. These times are perfect for me because taking Bridger to the store with me is such a chore and I always end up with him crying before we are finished.....and I like to take my time and look at what I really want. Ryan was home so I took full advantage of going by myself.
I wasn't there that long when Ryan called and said Bridger was crying. I gave him a few ideas and went on about my business. Once I got home I went in to go talk to him to see how it went.
This is what I found........
Ryan opened his eyes right when I took the picture. I guess my light on my camera is so bright it woke him up....BUT they were both zonked out and snuggling. I find this very sweet because Bridger has only slept with us once when we were at a hotel. He won't ever sit still to snuggle and cuddle and try to sleep, so we dont do it. Ryan said it took him a long time and lots of moving around but he finally passed out.
I think Bridger wasn't ready for bed when I put him down. Unfortuntaly since I'm not working our schedule is way off. We go to bed really late and get up late. Bridger used to go down at 7, and now it is near 9ish usually.....lately ive been trying to slowly revert back to the 7pm bedtime....but its not working.
Luckily Daddy was so wonderful and let B snuggle!
I just wanted to jump in bed and cuddle with my boys!
I wasn't there that long when Ryan called and said Bridger was crying. I gave him a few ideas and went on about my business. Once I got home I went in to go talk to him to see how it went.
This is what I found........
Ryan opened his eyes right when I took the picture. I guess my light on my camera is so bright it woke him up....BUT they were both zonked out and snuggling. I find this very sweet because Bridger has only slept with us once when we were at a hotel. He won't ever sit still to snuggle and cuddle and try to sleep, so we dont do it. Ryan said it took him a long time and lots of moving around but he finally passed out.
I think Bridger wasn't ready for bed when I put him down. Unfortuntaly since I'm not working our schedule is way off. We go to bed really late and get up late. Bridger used to go down at 7, and now it is near 9ish usually.....lately ive been trying to slowly revert back to the 7pm bedtime....but its not working.
Luckily Daddy was so wonderful and let B snuggle!
I just wanted to jump in bed and cuddle with my boys!
Love my baby boy
We are still doing the same thing here in Corpus. Ryan is gone working in Markahm Texas 6 days a week and its just Bridg and I during the week. I have been on a couple of interviews but still haven't heard anything. I can't believe I am starting on week 4 of being unemployed starting tomorrow.
I'm happy that I get to spend this time with Bridger. I enjoy every minute with him and I think it is amazing. I do however, like to work and like to be able to give him that daily social scene at daycare with other kids his age. He loves it too. Until I do get a job, whenever that will be, we will just be at home hanging out together!
We are working on discipline still. Bridger is constantly biting and pulling hair. Some days are better than others...but I think he is slowly starting to get the fact that, that is not OK. He is a sweetheart and just likes to rough house. Getting on the floor with him and letting him climb on you, pat you, and then pushing him down, etc he LOVES it.
Bridger is expanding his vocabulary so much. He even told me "I Love You" out of the blue. It took me a minute to understand and realize that was what he was saying. Usually he just repeats us so we know what he is saying, but it was random and right after I put him in time out. It was the sweet sound. I love that after me telling him hundreds of times a day, he finally said it!!
He is growing to be such a big boy! We went to dinner with Grandma one night and ordered him french fries as usual, but this time I decided to put some ketchup on his plate to see if he would like it. Boy did he! He picked up his french fries and dipped each bit into the ketchup. He really loved it. Since when is he old enough to do that?
We go to McDonalds often. I always get him a happy meal and I might be spoiling him in that aspect. The way his naps are timed right now, usually just 1 long one, by the time he gets up we try to get out of the house. He needs to eat and its so easy to just stop at McDonalds....get me a Dr Pepper and the boy nuggets. Im sure we will both miss those practically daily trips once I start back to work.
Grandma and I have taken him shopping several times and he is always such a good boy! I love how he is so patient with us while he just has to sit in his stroller and watch us shop. In a few years...he will be all daddy, so I soak this up as much as I can.
I stopped by a friends store last week to visit and catch up and Bridger did good for a bit....then started getting a little crazy. He tried his hardest to get that Vera Bradley luggage and pull it thru the store! I was so embarrassed, both her and the boss were very cool about it, but I was like SERIOUSLY!!! Then he had a full on tantrum once I tried to leave with him AFTER he saw the store dog, Daisy! The dog obsession came out and we had a full on screamer! Those times are tough..but he is a little guy and can only handle so much. I love to visit and catch up, but in future...I will be going by myself...or just for a few minutes. haha.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
New Toys
Last week sometime I was on a search for new shoes for Bridger.....(Still haven't found them) but Marshalls was next door and I decided to go look around, I like to get out of the house at least once a day with him so he doesn't get sick of being home.
We walked around and I didn't find too many things. I gave him a Xylophone to play with while I shopped around to keep him occupied. As we were going to leave, I put it back and we had a full blown tantrum under way! I felt so bad....I walked back and picked it up again. I watched how excited he got while he was playing with it....I decided to buy it. Then, suddenly I was like oh no, I don't want to start that habit of buying toys every time we go someplace, so again...I put it back. The entire way thru the store, to the car...and driving away we had a full on screamer. It broke my heart.
I told Ryan about it later and he said I should've just bought it...of course. So this weekend when daddy came home and we were out shoe shopping again...Daddy decided to surprise Bridger and pulled into Toys R us. We went in and couldn't find the Xylophones.....we were trying to decide on another toy. Bridger LOVED the Elmo Hokey Pokey....a snake that moved its head and eyes lit up....a cookie monster that talked....a drum set....then finally I asked...and much to our luck....she just saw one in the cart where all the odds and ends get put.....the box was kind of beat up...but the toy was intact and perfect!! Once I showed Bridger the Xylophone...there were no more questions....he knew which toy he wanted!
We walked around and I didn't find too many things. I gave him a Xylophone to play with while I shopped around to keep him occupied. As we were going to leave, I put it back and we had a full blown tantrum under way! I felt so bad....I walked back and picked it up again. I watched how excited he got while he was playing with it....I decided to buy it. Then, suddenly I was like oh no, I don't want to start that habit of buying toys every time we go someplace, so again...I put it back. The entire way thru the store, to the car...and driving away we had a full on screamer. It broke my heart.
I told Ryan about it later and he said I should've just bought it...of course. So this weekend when daddy came home and we were out shoe shopping again...Daddy decided to surprise Bridger and pulled into Toys R us. We went in and couldn't find the Xylophones.....we were trying to decide on another toy. Bridger LOVED the Elmo Hokey Pokey....a snake that moved its head and eyes lit up....a cookie monster that talked....a drum set....then finally I asked...and much to our luck....she just saw one in the cart where all the odds and ends get put.....the box was kind of beat up...but the toy was intact and perfect!! Once I showed Bridger the Xylophone...there were no more questions....he knew which toy he wanted!
It is the first toy he picks up in the mornings when he gets up...and then he plays with it thru out the day! he LOVES it!!
His daddy is such a good daddy!! He wanted to make his sweet baby boy happy and Bridger is extremely happy! It was so hard to only buy the Xylophone...Ryan and I wanted to buy all the toys!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Our short family weekends
Since Ryan has been working out of town, our weekends have been spent moving. This weekend, Ryan was able to come home from Zapata Thursday night and didn't have to leave back to Beaumont till Saturday early morning. While he went into work for a bit, my mom and I went to the Peddler Show!! One of our favorite things to do! They always have the basic same stuff, but it is always fun to look and then find anything new they might have!
This year I ended up not buying much. I got Bridger a cute pillow case for his tiny pillow that is made in the mink material, I'm sure he will love it! I want to get it embroidered with his name. I found a cute little turkey guy for my fall decor in the house and then I found some awesome wrought iron towel rings for our master bathroom. Bridger did good and we didn't have any huge meltdowns! yay! It was fun and I always love attending.
Once we got home we got to spend some time with Daddy - some shopping and went to dinner. Later that night his mom and little sister came by to hang out. Bridger loves all of his family and was sweet on Katelynn that night.
Ryan was gone early Saturday morning and Bridg and I were at the house most of the day. His naps are always off and I can't wait to get back on a schedule. So finally after his nap, we got up and did a little shopping ourselves. I do not know why I even attempted to go to the mall during tax free weekend! BUT Bridger does need some new shoes and the ones I want aren't anywhere. Turns out that not even an extra wide will fit.......he needs an extra extra wide. =( Poor baby has some feet like his daddy. They were all out and no luck anywhere else! I ended up getting one of my best friends some cute jammies for her daughter that is due in December!! The shopping for sweet Isabella is just beginning! Overall, I did get some cute stuff....but the mall was horrible!!!! SO many people!
I also swung by the Gap and got Bridger this cute Halloween shirt! First of many I'm sure..... I love to be festive during all the holidays for my sweet boy...I know when he gets older he will have a say so and not really like it, so I will be taking full advantage of finding cute holiday wear for Bridg for each holiday!
This year I ended up not buying much. I got Bridger a cute pillow case for his tiny pillow that is made in the mink material, I'm sure he will love it! I want to get it embroidered with his name. I found a cute little turkey guy for my fall decor in the house and then I found some awesome wrought iron towel rings for our master bathroom. Bridger did good and we didn't have any huge meltdowns! yay! It was fun and I always love attending.
Once we got home we got to spend some time with Daddy - some shopping and went to dinner. Later that night his mom and little sister came by to hang out. Bridger loves all of his family and was sweet on Katelynn that night.
Ryan was gone early Saturday morning and Bridg and I were at the house most of the day. His naps are always off and I can't wait to get back on a schedule. So finally after his nap, we got up and did a little shopping ourselves. I do not know why I even attempted to go to the mall during tax free weekend! BUT Bridger does need some new shoes and the ones I want aren't anywhere. Turns out that not even an extra wide will fit.......he needs an extra extra wide. =( Poor baby has some feet like his daddy. They were all out and no luck anywhere else! I ended up getting one of my best friends some cute jammies for her daughter that is due in December!! The shopping for sweet Isabella is just beginning! Overall, I did get some cute stuff....but the mall was horrible!!!! SO many people!
I also swung by the Gap and got Bridger this cute Halloween shirt! First of many I'm sure..... I love to be festive during all the holidays for my sweet boy...I know when he gets older he will have a say so and not really like it, so I will be taking full advantage of finding cute holiday wear for Bridg for each holiday!
Ryan got home early this morning and we unloaded another load! My clean house is now a mess! This is the crappy stage of moving...odds and ends...randoms...not sure where they go....I'm not too excited about this part of it....but I need to get everything in place, looks like tomorrow I will start on it.
Also, when I got Bridger up from his nap today - it smelled horrible when I walked in. Much to my surprise when I turned on the light.....there was POOP everywhere!! I have never put him down in just a diaper because I know how he likes to push it down, and try to take if off. For some reason, today it didn't phase me, and he went down in a diaper and just a top. You better believe I will not be forgetting again. It was a mess! I put him in the tub, cleaned and dressed....bed stripped....I had to clean the entire crib....than disinfect the tub. What a mess!! It was horrible! I know most all mommies have gone thru this...but I wasn't anywhere near prepared!
We were hanging out after Bridgers nap, feeding him some lunch when my friend Karie called! She was around the corner in her brand new car and wanted to stop by!
She got a beautiful Lexus and it is awesome! I'm so excited for her! Besides checking out her new car, we finally got to chat and catch up a little. It has been so long!
Our little boys just dove right in and started playing. They are 2.5 months apart and so cute together! I know many more play dates and being around each other will really make Bridger happy and make them such great friends!
I'm so happy they called and were able to stop by and we finally got to see our friends! We have been so buy with moving and organizing, it was nice to just sit back and relax!
She got a beautiful Lexus and it is awesome! I'm so excited for her! Besides checking out her new car, we finally got to chat and catch up a little. It has been so long!
Our little boys just dove right in and started playing. They are 2.5 months apart and so cute together! I know many more play dates and being around each other will really make Bridger happy and make them such great friends!
I'm so happy they called and were able to stop by and we finally got to see our friends! We have been so buy with moving and organizing, it was nice to just sit back and relax!
Friday, August 19, 2011
Things are starting to come together nicely in the house...slowly but surely. Hard to be completely finished with house stuff still waiting for us in Beaumont.
I also love to paint white walls.....I am in the process of changing some of those!
For now, here is our fireplace
I also love to paint white walls.....I am in the process of changing some of those!
For now, here is our fireplace
This past weekend we planned a trip back to Beaumont to get the rest of the house stuff. Ryan got in Friday night, around 8. We have been dealing with these annoying little sugar ants since moving in. Apparently they are annoying to many homeowners here in South Texas in homes that are older. Ryan and I ran to Lowe's to get some ant stuff my mom uses and get it spread out before heading out of town.
Saturday we got up at our own pace and headed out. We stopped in Houston first because my cousin from Colorado was in town. We met at Red Robin and had some lunch. Bridger was still being crazy and luckily I have the most amazing husband ever and he took Bridger out and entertained him while I got to stay and chat and catch up. It was great seeing Courtney, but I feel like I didn't get enough time in, in the back of my head I was worried about Ryan and Bridger and how it was going, what B was doing, screaming? least we got a small reunion!
After lunch we headed to Ryan's cousins to pick up some baby stuff she is getting rid of. She has always been so sweet and given Bridger all kinds of goodies that her kids outgrow. Bridger has really been blessed and is overly spoiled! After some running and playing and a long wagon ride from Avery, Bridger finally got in his playtime with "friends". He had a blast and passed out without a peep! He really needed that social scene for a bit.
While at his cousins Ryan decided he had enough of the sugar ants! They have invaded our cars for the past week and were coming out from all over the truck!! He emptied out his entire truck and sprayed it with ant stuff! I was unsure if you could do worked! thank goodness!!
We didn't get the entire house packed up, but almost. I can not believe how much junk we have accumulated in just 5.5 years. We moved up to Beaumont with literally a trailer load....maybe 2. We owned a nice armoire, a futon and a bed. Now - 3 trailer trips later...we still have at least another load left in the house. This is getting to the crappy part about moving....wait....everything about moving sucks...we are now at that hard part....where all the odd things are don't know what to pack with pack or how to pack it...yea...we are there. We still have 2 boats, the corvette and the entire garage stuff to move!
We left early Sunday morning and got home to a house with NO ants and NO ants in my car! YES! What a relief, I was seriously going crazy!
We had a nice dinner with Ryan's mom and ran some errands before calling it a night. Ryan was up and outta here early Monday am. I can't wait till he isn't traveling so much again....whenever that will be!
Saturday we got up at our own pace and headed out. We stopped in Houston first because my cousin from Colorado was in town. We met at Red Robin and had some lunch. Bridger was still being crazy and luckily I have the most amazing husband ever and he took Bridger out and entertained him while I got to stay and chat and catch up. It was great seeing Courtney, but I feel like I didn't get enough time in, in the back of my head I was worried about Ryan and Bridger and how it was going, what B was doing, screaming? least we got a small reunion!
After lunch we headed to Ryan's cousins to pick up some baby stuff she is getting rid of. She has always been so sweet and given Bridger all kinds of goodies that her kids outgrow. Bridger has really been blessed and is overly spoiled! After some running and playing and a long wagon ride from Avery, Bridger finally got in his playtime with "friends". He had a blast and passed out without a peep! He really needed that social scene for a bit.
While at his cousins Ryan decided he had enough of the sugar ants! They have invaded our cars for the past week and were coming out from all over the truck!! He emptied out his entire truck and sprayed it with ant stuff! I was unsure if you could do worked! thank goodness!!
We didn't get the entire house packed up, but almost. I can not believe how much junk we have accumulated in just 5.5 years. We moved up to Beaumont with literally a trailer load....maybe 2. We owned a nice armoire, a futon and a bed. Now - 3 trailer trips later...we still have at least another load left in the house. This is getting to the crappy part about moving....wait....everything about moving sucks...we are now at that hard part....where all the odd things are don't know what to pack with pack or how to pack it...yea...we are there. We still have 2 boats, the corvette and the entire garage stuff to move!
We left early Sunday morning and got home to a house with NO ants and NO ants in my car! YES! What a relief, I was seriously going crazy!
We had a nice dinner with Ryan's mom and ran some errands before calling it a night. Ryan was up and outta here early Monday am. I can't wait till he isn't traveling so much again....whenever that will be!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Bridger's new room
Last week I decided to paint Bridger's room before I started getting things put up on the walls, etc. I forgot the color I used at the previous house at home, and had to pick another color randomly. At first, I wasn't liking it at all....but with the finished product, I love it!!!
His new room is just perfect for him for now. We arranged the new dresser we got and suddenly furniture was overpowering the room. I wasn't able to put up the beautiful shelf that I love so much! I will need to find another place in the house for that.
I already have his drawers filled and everything in its place. One thing I love to do it this moving has been fun in that aspect! I love cleaning and rearranging our belongings.
So here is my sweet boys room
About to walk into Bridgers Room:
His new room is just perfect for him for now. We arranged the new dresser we got and suddenly furniture was overpowering the room. I wasn't able to put up the beautiful shelf that I love so much! I will need to find another place in the house for that.
I already have his drawers filled and everything in its place. One thing I love to do it this moving has been fun in that aspect! I love cleaning and rearranging our belongings.
So here is my sweet boys room
About to walk into Bridgers Room:
Looking in from the doorway:
Standing in the corner by the bookshelf: We definitely are getting more for the net.....isn't finished just yet and not sure if I love it or how its set up.....Standing on the opposite side of the room:
A glimpse into his on one side...laundry basket on the other. No other space in his room, so the closet it is for now! He doesn't have much hanging b/c we are all drawers!!
Opposite side of the room, please don't mind the unfinished paint job at the top of the wall...I can't reach and need the hubs to finish for me! oops!
Here are some cute objects in his room
A girl I went to High School with made these cute little signs for Bridger. She makes tons of things and they are all so cute!
I bought this cute clay project for Bridger when I ordered his birthday things. I wish I would've taken longer and been a little bit more precise with this. It turned out what is was made for, but not a pretty as I would've liked!
One of the gifts that Ryans cousin got Bridger was this cute hanging sign with his name
I just found this cute sailboat at Marshalls maybe...and used it in his 1st Birthday Pictures! I also love the cute frame in the background that I got at one of the stores in Port A - perfect place to shop for nautical type stuff.
We picked up this anchor at Hobby Lobby and painted it to make it look a little more shabby chic, old fisherman...
This cute life saver was a gift at Bridgers baby shower
Of course, here is the super cute sign that my sister made for Bridger! I love it!
Just another cute sign for Bridgers room
Some shells for his room!
And this little boat was something that Ryans mom had and gave to us. I repainted it and the the extras sitting in it. Bridger loves to play with the oars and little sailboat.
My Toddler
We have been busy still setting up home. Ryan is working out of town again this week, but should return home tomorrow, and I can't wait. After being home this weekend this Bridger, my sweet baby boy completely changed! My monster suddenly turned good. Daddy being around definitely helps this toddlers attitude! I feel bad because these are a lot of changes for B too, and he can't express how he feels. He has been without daddy during the week for the past 3 weeks, we've moved houses, and he isn't attending daycare anymore. He is having a rough time adjusting. Finally this week he is acting a little bit better and I can see hints of his sweetness coming back....and I love it! Last week was a crazy tornado!
He is still talking a ton and the times that he is in a good mood, we can get him to repeat things.A couple of words he says are Grandma, cat and he says dog non stop!!! This morning he said Cheyenne and Remington....well....Remington sounded more like - "tin". It was so cute! He is learning so much....he loves exploring and this week he has really starting playing on his own, he isn't as needy. It is strange..I'm not used to having this independent toddler!
As far as the "dog" word goes, we have recently started letting the dogs inside the house in a gated area and Bridger is loving that. Every chance he gets he runs up to the gate and pets them. The entire time he says dog....when he is pitching a fit - I just tell him to go look at the dogs...and he runs to check up on them. He has so much love for them!
Grandma bought him 2 chairs last week. One is like a camp chair and the other is a soft chair...he loves them both! the camp chair is still a little too big for him...too tall...he manages to get in it and its adorable. He sits and dangles his little feet kicking them back and forth! They were wonderful gifts Grandma!!
Bridger also is getting much more daring. He tries to stand on anything he can, he is great at getting up on things, not so good at getting down. He has already managed to fall off the fireplace. I think it scared him enough and he hasn't tried to get up there again. He is in and out of his toy ottoman and now his big toy box!
His current favorite toy is a set of plastic golf clubs Grandma got him. I've never been "big" on the whole age thing listed on the toys....figured I could make a good enough decision, etc. Kids now a days are so much more advanced anyway! So, we picked up the plastic golf caddy and clubs at Walmart. He now uses the clubs as weapons...he runs around chasing me, trying to hit me with the club! Good thing they are cheap little plastic toys and don't hurt so bad. He is such a boy!!! I keep trying to teach him not to hit anyone or anything, let alone with toy clubs....he has no clue. I need to come up with a better technique. Discipline isn't something that affects this boy - I'm really trying to figure out how to show and teach him what not to do!!
He is still talking a ton and the times that he is in a good mood, we can get him to repeat things.A couple of words he says are Grandma, cat and he says dog non stop!!! This morning he said Cheyenne and Remington....well....Remington sounded more like - "tin". It was so cute! He is learning so much....he loves exploring and this week he has really starting playing on his own, he isn't as needy. It is strange..I'm not used to having this independent toddler!
As far as the "dog" word goes, we have recently started letting the dogs inside the house in a gated area and Bridger is loving that. Every chance he gets he runs up to the gate and pets them. The entire time he says dog....when he is pitching a fit - I just tell him to go look at the dogs...and he runs to check up on them. He has so much love for them!
Grandma bought him 2 chairs last week. One is like a camp chair and the other is a soft chair...he loves them both! the camp chair is still a little too big for him...too tall...he manages to get in it and its adorable. He sits and dangles his little feet kicking them back and forth! They were wonderful gifts Grandma!!
Bridger also is getting much more daring. He tries to stand on anything he can, he is great at getting up on things, not so good at getting down. He has already managed to fall off the fireplace. I think it scared him enough and he hasn't tried to get up there again. He is in and out of his toy ottoman and now his big toy box!
His current favorite toy is a set of plastic golf clubs Grandma got him. I've never been "big" on the whole age thing listed on the toys....figured I could make a good enough decision, etc. Kids now a days are so much more advanced anyway! So, we picked up the plastic golf caddy and clubs at Walmart. He now uses the clubs as weapons...he runs around chasing me, trying to hit me with the club! Good thing they are cheap little plastic toys and don't hurt so bad. He is such a boy!!! I keep trying to teach him not to hit anyone or anything, let alone with toy clubs....he has no clue. I need to come up with a better technique. Discipline isn't something that affects this boy - I'm really trying to figure out how to show and teach him what not to do!!
Loving his Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!
B got a couple new chairs! Here he is in his camp chair. Its still a little big for him, but he can figure it out and get in and out of it with no problem! What a big boy!
Bridger and Mommy! My little boy is growing up so fast!!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Not much
Bridger has been busy following me room to room and often stops to check in on his doggies! He LOVES dogs but especially his own!
Here are some other random ones.....
Here are some other random ones.....
Missing Daddy
We have been doing so much cleaning and organizing this week trying to get things cleared to bring another load back this weekend. Bridger hasn't been the best, but he is trying. He "helps" me often! The one main thing I have left sitting out is my billion of picture frames, tonight Bridger walked in the room and saw the one of his daddy and freaked out! He started talking his Bridger talk - pointing and smiling! He misses his daddy so much! Luckily he comes home tomorrow!
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